A let down, but not a crushing one.
So it gets a lot of "points" right there.
However...the fatal flaw in this game is that there is essentially combat, button mashing combat, and nothing but combat.
It's not that great. That's the bottom line, in my opinion.
The graphics and art are really nice...the music is wonderful. But you just run from point to point blowing stuff away and...I don't know, but it just feels so damn boring once you get away from playing it for a week or so.
My experience is that I bought into the hype and thought this was the greatest game ever. I put about 20 hours into it and then took a break...and now I can't force myself to go back...because...the game doesn't offer any compelling reasons to. It's just not that fun after you've defended a CP several times, or tried to assault one.
What's missing? I'm not quite sure. It's a logos hunt...it just didn't keep me playing.