Potential, wasted.
First off is the lack of race selection. I know limited races fits in with the whole theme, but at least have some ethnic flavoring. Instead they give you multiple outfits to choose and color. Howeer, you have new armor by the time you hit level 4, an hour later, which makes picking your starting outfit completely unnecessary. Weird.
Second. You start out as a grunt. No professions to choose from as you start. Instead, you choose branching professions as you progress. I thought I would like this, but the problem that became apparent to me is that in order to see if I like a class, I need to slog my way up through levels of earlier classes I may not be interested in.
Combat in all MMOs get repetetive after a while, but it feels even more linear in Rasa. Usually in MMOs you spend the first 10 levels discovering new spells and getting the foundation of how that character type will function at higher levels. In Rasa...you shoot. Some guns drain shields, some drain health, some do both. After a few levels you get a lightning attack. At level 5 you pick you first branching profession and get access to a new gun type, new armor type, and new power. Then you shoot again, for 10 more levels. Shooting is fun, as is being able to jump into the midst of battles being waged by 2 groups of NPCs, but it doesn't last.
Rasa could have done much more as far as tutorials and storyline content as well. You get a brief tutorial and then are turned loose in a wide open map. Good if you like sandbox environments, but there is no real central storyline to keep you engaged and wanting to play. With so many other MMOs offering up option after option to characters, Rasa seems rather bland in comparison. I found myself playing for a little while because it was fun to shoot, but after an hour there was little motivation, so I would log off. There was no gratification at leveling, knowing that there would be no new abilities at that next level. There was also no grand story to keep me going.
Sadly, I would rather return to a medival MMO laden with options and storyline than an MMO in my beloved sci-fi setting that has few optioons to keep my attention.