A pretty solid game with a small learning curve, but it needs more, and the graphics might be a little to demanding.

User Rating: 7.5 | Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa PC
Tabula Rasa is good because it's new and refreshing. I can't argue with that. However, the game seems to have little depth. With everyone starting at the same starting place, and no different races to choose from (something I have come to expect from my mmo's.) However if you got a pretty good system (something I'm lacking, thus the reason I play mmo's) you can have tons of fun with this game. Also you have to appreciate shooting s*** then this game will work fine for you. But thats also another flaw with the games depth, it seems that until higher levels melea combat is no where to be found. All and all it's a pretty fun game, storming and capturing bases is way fun, just the week pvp, shallow character creation and lack of any type of combat besides ranged make this game more of a mmotps than a mmorpg.