It has come a LONG, LONG way since beta, and it is worth revisiting.

User Rating: 8 | Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa PC
I originally wrote a review for this several months ago. Most of my criticisms were accurate, and fair.

However, this game has really come a long way. I played through the beta and was mostly disappointed.

In fact, at one point, I even characterized the game as "nauseating" to a friend.

The graphics are average, if not unimpressive. Sometimes they shine, most of the time they do not. With MMOs being made on the unreal 3 engine, and LOTRO & Age of Conan's DX10 visual appeal, Tabula Rasa falls flat on its face in this regard. Sometimes they look decent, but it just isn't that great for a 2007 release.

The anti-aliasing also does not work properly and jagged lines are always visible. This is supposedly going to be addressed in a future patch.


In beta, there was no cover. At least, when I played. Now, the entire environment can be interacted with during combat. Different objects can be used as cover, providing varying degrees of protection. This adds a LOT.

Ammo is no longer extremely expensive, and you aren't left scrounging to get money in order to supply your weaponry.

The game doesn't really shine until you hit 15th level. Once you begin to progress on your tier path, you can really start to enjoy some of the game's finer points.

Tabula Rasa is odd. It feels sort of wrong and "off" but if you give it a chance, it grows on you.

I , for one, am very happy that I gave a game I ranked as one of the worst releases of the year another chance. I am really enjoying it. I don't think it has the staying power, with its current level and range of content, but I think it deserves credit for having come a long way.

I plan on playing Age of Conan when it is released, but in the meantime, I'll be playing TR.

Check it might be surprised if you give it a chance.