Great game, but a poor MMO. It is a Multiplayer FPS (with loot) , not a MMO.

User Rating: 6.5 | Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa PC
When i first herd about Tabula Rasa, i was really, really excited.

Finally a game where it's not grind, grind, grind, in a fantasy universe.

TR plays very well for a game, you don't get bored while you grind!!!

Every battle is exciting and breath taking, after you finnish shotting all the aliens around you, you take a deep breath and tell yourself, that it's over.

Instead of spells and stuff you use a gun, your gun is your spell, your gun is all you need (unless you use a staff or sword).
It plays very similar to a 3rd Person Shooter, point at the enemy and shoot, the only down side is that your FPS don't really matter, there still is a health bar and a there so no thing called Head Shot.
But still is very fun to shoot horde after horde of Thrax soliders and watch them going down.

You also get special spells you can collect called Logos, that range from Lighting Bolts to Making Robots.
Logos can be located by talking to NPCs or you can try and find the real secret ones by yourself.

Instances are also very challanging, you can do it by yourself, but would be very hard, as you lvl higher it gets hard and harder to do a instance by yourself, and each time you encounter a boss you have to change your tactics to kill the boss.

Traveling is also less frasterating unlike other MMOs. When you die, you respawn at a Hospital near by, if you want to go to a town or camp then you can use the teleporter, no more waiting or walking for 2 hours to get to a palce!

The only down side on Tabula Rasa, which gives it a bad score is....

That it's a MMO. TR does not feel massive nor does it feel like it's online. Most of the time it just feels like your doing a single player misson on a 3rd Person Shooter.
You can't really do anything else EXECPT KILLING.
THere is a crafting ssytem but you must kill stuff to get the materials and receipes.
There arn't much pointless objects like beer or fire works or anything to play around with, every one pretty much looks the same because they all are wearing the same armor from the handful of quests you completed and there isn't any Battleground or Areana to compete against other players.

The only way to fight each other is to get into a Guild that PvPs. And guilds won't let you join PvP battles unless you have good gear and are max lvl.

Unlike other games where you can take a break from battle and hang out with friends in a city or just get involved in some fun RP, or even jsut go mining or fishing for materials, or grind for that rare item you always wanted to get.
None of these are present in the game so if your not such a hardcore gamer, you can't play for 8 hours straight.

This is my opinon but... I play MMOs to relax, to get away from the adrinalin building war games like Call of Duty 4 or COmpany of Heroes. MMOs let me relax and do stuff at my own pace, but TR dosn't let me, it just wants me to keep on killing.

As a game it might succesd but as a MMO it might not.

If you like non stop action, tired of the old MMOS and looking for somthing new, this is a game for you.