[THE BAD] Everything!
That's all I can say about this game. Pie is better than this game. In fact, anything is better than this game. Even Big Rigs, Aquaman, Bomberman Act Zero, and Kane & Lynch. Even Australian cellphone spinach farmaloaf-ala-king casserole with a hint of peppermint shnoppes. Even E.T. for Atari. Ok, maybe not that.
Yes, I've actually played this game. My great grandpa's uncle's daughter's cousin's friend's cousin's great grandpa's sister's aunt's cousin's cousin twice removed had one. Cousin. The graphics suck like on Spongebob episode 45 when Squilliam said Squidward was voted most likely to suck eggs in high school or when you're using your silicon vacuum to get a sugar-based candy out of the rug that's been there for like, the past 7 months since your friend's little sister spilled them on the floor because your cats knocked her over at Christmas Eve that year when you finally got a 360 but your brother got a PS3 and chucked it out the window then a rare squirrel chewed on it and it just won't come out.
The gameplay is worse than a knock-off's prequel that got a 0.4 as the Critic's Score because it came out the same day as Halo 3 or Super Mario Bros. 3 for that matter. It's like when your playing Wii Sports but the graphics are 2567365djkfl2039gsave changes to untitled?@6842*^%JF:PL /yeah!?+DJEhdj74]open your heartE]DB36{spoiler}[48#3uj7 times worse and it just doesn't function like a sports game should, however sports games function in the first place.
The sounds in this game are like listening to a coin falling into a chasm from Yoshi's Story and finally hearing it hit the bottom 80 days later, after traveling around the world that is. That reminds me of a funny story, back in 1963. YOU HAVE BEEN CAUGHT IN ONE OF ROMANDO'S BORING 60'S FLASHBACKS. GAME OVER. *****BONUS LEVEL***** Translate this into English: "Never drink the milk from a coconut you found in the dark." ??? Haha. Game.
In conclusion, Sonic Adventure is awesome. And this game sucks.
Don't buy it.
Seriously, don't.
Dental Plan!