Ridge Racer will keep you busy for hours.

User Rating: 6.7 | Ridge Racer 6 X360
Ridge Racer 6 is a great game for the entire family. Whether your out there as a pro, or just like kicking the snot out of some friends on Xbox Live. Ridge Racer can at times get lengthy, as most of the courses are on the same base of about 7 different maps. Most of the achievements are easy and within reach to obtain, like one as simply as playing online with a person from another country. The graphics are okay, and the high speed nitrous is a great addition to this game. Online game-play isn't that great as there have been some major lag issues. Though the learning curve is about 10 minutes to understand how to shift correctly.

There are also 4 classes of machines you can unlock for maximum speed and drifting.

The only annoying thing is the announcer, bleh.