The return of THE arcade racer that started all of it.

User Rating: 7.5 | Ridge Racer 6 X360
Ridge Racer you have been away far to long and in parts it shows. You maybe showing your age abit what with Burnout and Need For Speed at full speed leading the way with arcade thrills but you still have a place in my heart.

The game may start off slow and very easy but within afew hours play it starts to show what its about and can get pretty though in later races. The graphics a tad bland at times and the city's do look a little lifeless are far from being the best on the 360 look abit xbox 1 on a normal tv but link it up on a plasma, LCD or any HD display and it starts to look much better (but then everything does looks better on a decent tv) with lovely effects such as reflections from passing buildings, impressive frame rate and good sense of speed from later racers. The music is *** tech/rock (basically crap), if you have an hard drive just play your own music. First impressions may not be great but sit down and play it for afew hours and you may start enjoying it more. I found that the game plays much better online and really comes alive, there maybe afew niggles and bugs that still have to be sorted out but general frame rate and ping is usually solid but best played online with your pc disconnected from line to help frame issues.

An old school arcade racer that still as life in it but is showing its age in places. Some people won't get it and pass it off while others will fall in love with it and remember the old PS one days and why they fell in love with the arcade racer. A arcade racer at heart and isn't afraid to show it. The NT-SE (u.s version) does play on PAL Xbox 360's so it best advised to buy the NT-SE version over the PAL version that is said to not be full screen, just make sure that your tv can play 60 htz.