Easily the best Ridge Racer created.
User Rating: 8.2 | Ridge Racer 6 X360
Ridge Racer 6 is a slick game that has very smooth and stylish gameplay, the smooth gameplay will make you feel as though you are driving seriously fast. The graphics are alot better then previous Ridge Racer titles which was inevitable from the start due to the enormous power of the XBOX 360. The sounds in this game are made up from scratch so the cars sound completely different to actual cars, the made up sounds fit in with the made up cars which makes the sounds quite good. Nearly all of the music tracks in this game are medium tempo drum & base tracks which really fits into the style of racing of the game. The value of this game is enormous, the 1 player mode is enormous spanning over 235 races, there are a massive amount of cars to collect including 8 special cars, if all that doesn't impress you hop onto XBOX LIVE and play the world which will give you infinite replayability. Personally I think this game is a great game and almost any racing game fan will enjoy it.