Just your average run of the mill racer, but good nonetheless.

User Rating: 7.8 | Ridge Racer 6 X360
Ridge Racer 6 is the first of it's kind on the Xbox 360, and it's kinda dissapointing that no new features have been added to the long running series. The graphics aren't the best on the 360, but it is still fairly decent. The frame rate is increibly smooth and there are a massive number of vehicles.
The controls are very simple, so newbies can get a hang for it right away. I didn't give the audio a chance, because I listen to my custom soundtrack. This is not a particular game to raise your achievement score if that's what you're looking for, most minor achievements are worth just 5 points and the major ones are hard to do.
Overall, I wouldn't recommend paying $60 to buy this game but your curiosity can be satisfied for with a rental if you're looking for a good game to rent.