All Ridge Racer fans are going to love this game. If you have never played a RR game before, you probably wont like it.

User Rating: 7.8 | Ridge Racer 6 X360
Ridge Racer 6 is the next step in the Ridge Racer series and is probably one of the better sequels to date. The Xbox 360 version plays alot like the PSP version, but has much better graphics. The game is bound to last you a long time and online multiplayer is fun.

Gameplay: Fun and new. I usually play Racing Simulators like Forza or PGR but this was a very nice suprise.

Graphics: Solid, good in some areas but in others it can look downright bad.

Sound: HORRIBLE ANNOUNCER, take him off, you won't regret it.

Value: All Ridge Racer fans buy. Others do not.