With 2 other really big racing games around this game, don't let this one get past you either.
If you've been in the franchise before, you know what to expect here. Fast arcade style drifting and speed. What has made the series so much fun before has all been left intact here. Add new tracks, the usual insane lineup of slick looking cars (sorry, nothing name brand here), a very kick-ass soundtrack selection, and the XBOX360's powerful graphic engine, and you got one slick looking racer.
Added to this edition is the nitrous feature also found in the PSP version. As you drift around turns, faster drifters fills up your nitrous meter that you can set off to reach insane speeds. Unlike the PSP's nitrous, you can stack the nitrous this time to unleash not just one, but two, or three nitrous's at once. Furthermore drifting after nitrous runs out gives you an "ultimate charge" that can refill you nitrous meter even faster. It adds a strategic element to this Ridge Racer as now using your nitrous at the most beneficial moments becomes a science.
There may not be many tracks, and the first few set of cars may feel a bit slow, but the challenge of the World Class mode allows for many different tasks that only the most hardcore drifters can handle. By completeing a set of races in the map, you unlock more cars, and other features.
The fun may run out quick for this racer, but it's still worth the pick up for any fan of the originals. So if you're bored earning kudoz, or running from cops, try drifting at 200+ MPH. You'd be surprised how much fun it can be.