Ridge Racer 6 is an expanded version of Ridge Racer on the PSP.

User Rating: 8.5 | Ridge Racer 6 X360
Ridge Racer 6 is basically the same game as the PSP version. it has the same HUD and the same announcer. there's also cars from that game plus some new ones and special vehicles you can download from the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. I also enjoyed the PSP game and it was good that they stayed with that formula that made the PSP game so great. There were some new features aside from the nitrous. You were also able to use Double Nitrous as well as Triple Nitrous for faster drifting and catching up to opponents. Another cool thing about Ridge Racer 6 is that they use another Namco arcade classic to show you how far you are from an opponent. PSP's used Rally X and RR6 uses Pac-Man. Plus there's some new BGM that is either a remix of a Namco arcade classic such as Galaga or something like that and some new songs. Speaking of Namco, because Ridge Racer is a Namco made game, the cars are usually named after Namco characters or games. One car has the name Zasalamel in the back. Zasalamel is a character in Soul Calibur III. A lot of my favorite cars that were on the PSP game are in this game. The Soldate Raggio, Assoluto Fatalita, sometimes the Danver Bayonet. Since this is a Ridge Racer title, you will see Japanese model and face of Ridge Racer, Reiko Nagase. She has been the face of Ridge Racer since the older games like Ridge Racer Type 4 [R4] and Ridge Racer V. I never really played the older ones until Ridge Racer for the PSP came out, so I am not very big on those games but me being an enthusiast of racing games, whether it be arcade or simulator, this is a game I really liked. One of the reasons being that it's just like Ridge Racer for the PSP. Same controls and same gameplay.