Worst Launch Game for 360.
The Game's graphics are good. Not PGR3 good, but good nonetheless. The music in the game isnt terrible, but the voice-overs that are constant make me want to scoop my eyeballs out with a spoon. The absolute worst aspect of this game is the gameplay itself. The physics are COMPLETELY unrealistic... mind you, i dont mind slightly unrealistic physics like in the Need For Speed games, that makes it more fun. True-to-life physics in a racing game like Forza Motorsports take a lot of the fun out for me. But this game is just over the top... if you let off the gas and make a turn, you are instantly thrown into a sideways drift. Yes, drifting is fun, but it is not needed around every freakin corner. I mean to win the game you really never touch the brake.
If you love the Ridge Racer series, you will probably at least like this game. If you are more into games like Project Gotham, Need For Speed, and the like, stear clear of this title.