its a great game but there is one minor flaw...

User Rating: 8.9 | Ridge Racer DS DS
the ridge racer series has been around for a while now. the original ridge racer came out for the ps1 and became an instant classic. next it made one rr game for the n64 for the nintendo people who havent ever played it before its a real treat.Many years later it comes out for the ds. To me it is a great game. its BASICALY a port from the n64 version but there are a few more courses and cars. after you start playing you'll notice the beautiful graphics and the wide range of car abilities(how fast,acceleratin,etc.) and models. as you start racing its a very fast paced racer. if you slow down for a second 5 cars could pass you. the only flaw of gameplay is the hit sensory. for one thing you can go half-way through a car before it registers as a hit. after you hit the other car you have the potential to slow down a lot and fly back about 20 feet. This is not a huge problem because the other cars sometimes ram into walls or other cars so you get enough chances to catch up. The gameplay is a basic ridge racer style with the the beggining of every race you have the chance to pick between a lot of techno songs. yeah techno isnt really my style but for this game it really puts the mood in. The graphics are probrably in the top 2 of the ds catagory. it is the first game for the ds to feature any type of reflection and reality to it. I give it a nine because the only flaw in graphics are the cars. which you dont look at much anyway. The value is great if you have a friend. in fact it kicks a lil. Its pretty awesome since there are so many courses, cars, and modes. you can also unlock cars through multiplayer. Im not sure exactly how you do this but im sure it works for a lot of people. i think it is the most underappreciated game on the ds! id really recomend this to any ds owner. p.s. the difficulty is actualy very variable. at times it will be very easy and then you go to the next course and its very hard... keep this in mind because it can get very frustrating. ~falcon~