Burnsecond or Split/Out? It's all been done before...
First of all, this game contains 0% Ridge Racer. This is just for marketing. It hasn't any of the unique feel and style of Ridge Racer and is obviously, unfortunately not a Japanese game. That would be fine with me - if it was a good game...
Graphics: Smooth frame rate, some nice lighting effects and reflections on cars. On the other hand my eyes really hurt after the first race. The game looks really grainy, 720p at lower quality. You have to focus on where to go more than in other games. This makes it exhausting sometimes. I guess this should be better on 360, PC.
Gameplay: The drifting is definitely not easy, but it can be mastered. Some braking before tight corners and/or using calmer cars (low drift rating) can be useful. "Fragging" other cars is fun, but it's more like the slightest touch will make them explode while your on power (that means boost) than really hitting them hard.
Design: There are some racing types, but there is not much variety in the racing or in the track design. The track editor is easy to use but to me it feels like most of the games' tracks have been made with the same editor. Plus, many of the shortcuts are very repetitive. Despite track parts for the editor there is not much to unlock or for coming back.
Multiplayer: I couldn't find any players yet. But from what I've seen so far it won't add much to the singleplayer's lack of variety. I couldn't find any similarities with Blur.
Rating: If you've played Burnout: Takedown or Split/Second this will feel somehow familiar to you. This feels like a mixture of both, the tracks have a touch of MotorStorm: Apocalypse. You won't find anything here that hasn't been done better or with better graphics (on PS3) before. There is some fun to be had but there is not much variety in the gameplay on- or offline. Even the choices of your car's paint are very limited. It's not a bad game and it has something, but anything special. I don't think this game will sell many copies or be any kind of success. If you want to play it, go for a rent.