Ridge Racer is plain portable fun. It shows what the PSP can do.

User Rating: 8 | Ridge Racer PSP
RR is yet another console game made tiny for the PSP. However, RR is an awesome game, worthy of your hard earned dollar.

This game has some of the best graphics ever seen on a handheld system ever. The graphics convey a great deal of speed.

RR is known for its over the top drifting. Hate it or love it, you can drift almost a total 90 degrees, and not loose speed. Some hardcore race fans might hate it, but it works.

You can unlock a lot of cars and tracks that span 6 different RR games. Even with all that stuffed into it, it still doesnt feel like a new game. The only new feature is using nitrous.

The game also has a lot of J-Pop songs. Some might find it annoying. The annoucer is also very annoying.

All in all, if you have a PSP, you should get this game. It's a good game to kill time when your on the road.