First time I seen and played this game, I said WOW!
Nice handling and cornering, just like all the ridge racer games. If you played the games you will now how to play right away. If not, this may be a good start to try this game. Easy to pick up.
WOW says it all. The psp can really do so magic is the progamers know how to put together the spells right, lol ^_^ What more is the levels look great cars, trees, everything looks great.
Not too bad. Haves some nice tones and sounds for the car and tires, also the ambients. Music can get a little wierd, like the pac man music though.
All in all, massive gameplay and a lot of racing. Very much needed nice graphics to get the feel of the race and your sorroundings. You May love to play this over and over again, alot of race modes Easy------>hard..