New home for mmo players
1-Pvp: The pvp system looks very much a like the one in the world of warcraft you can either pvp in warfronts or outdoor to get favors in which than u can spend these favors in buying different items. What makes the pvp system so great is; firstly, u can destroy and take control every base of the opposing faction this base could either be a very small camp or as big as a city what happens when u take control of a base is that all of their npcs inside of it dissappears until players get it back( much more fun than killing flight points = P) which makes outdoor pvps a lot of fun and rewarding and when you add rifts and rifts bosses in to the equation the outdoor pvp exprience becomes amazing. To make it more clear here is an example of what has happened to me during the head start; in a contested zone a life invasion has started what happens during these invasions is that you have to protect your wardstones(bases) against whoever is invading and close the invading parts rifts to stop them and when all the rifts are closed usually a boss of that rifts faction appears and killing it gives quite nice rewards. So, both factions managed to defend their basses and stop the invasion, Than as i have mentioned the boss appeared and the fun started both of the factions normaly didnt want to give away the boss kill so both factions started pulling tthe boss near their respawns points while nuking/defending against opposing factions players this was around a 25v25 outdoor pvp(no evade bugs so we pretty much pulled the bosses through out the entire map) which left a very nice taste that i ll cheerish and remember for quite sometime.
2-Dungeons and raids; As the game is a new one and there are not many level 50s hanging around (50 is the level cap) i ll just talk about the dungeons. Dungeons are quite challenging, which means most of the times you can not pull em all nuke em down, you have to Crowd control, looks around, pay attention to clear out the trash and most of boss fights even inside the low level dungeons requires tactics to kill.
3-Questing and leveling: Quests are quite like in most of the mmos of the same genre. kill x amount of this bring y amount of that but if you are in to the lore you should pay attention to the quests that are labeled as story because they are quite fun to do and read. but if you are not in to quests you can reach the level cap by PvPing, Rifting, and Dungeoning they are all almost as rewarding as eachother so it is upto the players to decide how they want to reach the level and reaching the level cap is not hard and doesnt require you to turn in to mad grinder It takes around 3 days for a hardcore player to reach level 50 (i would say 10-12 days for a regular player) and there are already some level 50s walking around
4- Rifts; There are a few type of rifts in the game which you will encounter and these rifts may open in a random place it can open up inside a base or on the road etc and all types of rifts are opponents with each other (for example life rifts creatures will attack fire rifts creatures whenever they cross paths) which makes the game very dynamic and ever changing. What makes it good is that the rifts diffculty levels changes with the number of players in a zone so that players will never ever feel like its impossible to destroy and seal a rift and every player attended and helped closing a rift will be rewarded nicely both exprience and item wise.
5- Enviroment: the world is very good open world with no loading and very rare invisible walls (just like the world in world of warcraft before all the expansions) so just like in wow you can see players trying to climb the wierdest of places and achiving it = ) . Weather effects are perfect, hearing lightnings or seeing a fog covering a place are very well implemented.
6-Crafting: there is a crafting system with 9 prof: to choose from but honosetly i didnt spend much time on iit so i dont wanna give false information.
7-Talent system: i saved the best for last; the talent system is Much much much better than in any game i have ever seen before; basicly there are 4 classes with 9 subclasses each, what makes it so great is that for instance if you are playing with the rogue class you will get all the 9 subclasses and activate a combination of 3. You can pre-arrange 4 different combinations of 3s and activate any of em anytime you like. as u see fit but you can change this combination anytime you like. for example a rogue can differ from a hard to kill tank, a stealthy assassin, a healer and buffer, or a ranger/sabatour but what makes this system so great is that you can make a mixture, for example you can be a stealthy ranger, or a tank with healing and buffs, its all up to players to decide what game type they prefer and this makes variety insane. Every player will almost certainly be different from each other skill- game playing style wise, so players cant just memorize what to do against certain classes every1 have to be a fast and creative thinker,
ok so since all the good parts are mentioned here is why the game lost the .5 for meh;
1-Character Creation; the customization options are quite limited compared to some other games(not wow but thats normal wow is 5 years old). Especially if you were in the few people who spent time on APBs customization system this may seem like a mockery to you. Basically you cant change body type but only height, there are only 9 hair types to choose from for each class, mouth noise changing options doesnt really change much, and the classes are already look a like so pretty much every1 looks quite like every1 else just like in wow.
Well here is my review i hope you guys like it. : )