Notice how most reviewers will tell you the titles of the MMO's they either love or hate, but never why?
Rift introduces you to a world with familiar and well known fantasy archetypes. Not a bad thing, as it really allows multiple levels of immersion. Some of the best MMO's out there are still out there because their digital world still offers a creative and entertaining escapism. Rift is deep conceptually but you never feel overwhelmed because the territory is familiar in terms of fantasy genre storytelling.
The graphics engine is well conceived in that most computers will be able to run the game at a rather eye pleasing level. The color palette is attractive and depending on location fits the mood and environment. The art direction is very well thought through and it shows in spades.
This is a topic most will mention their comparisons to other MMO's Realistic now people, what MMO is not compared to games like the first Everquest or WoW? The past MMo's have definately layed the foundation for todays next gen MMO. That being said; Rifts game-play will feel very familiar to you. This I find as a positive. If a concept is not broke, why fix it? You will find WOW type play mechanics, as well as many other MMO stereotype layouts and workings. Where Rift differs is in character development and leveling. Again here we see familiar formulas but actually feel fresh due to the simplicity of the UI while managing your character. Rift literally takes complex character and class development and makes it intuitive enough that any gamer can figuer it out rather early. Rift does a good job on maintaing a deep RPG style MMO while keeping you the player unencumbered and concentrating on the importance of the game. The questing and meeting of friends in an easily accesible and fun fantasy world.
The game is solid. Well balanced and offers everything for the hardcore gamer as well as the not so hardcore types. It is in my personal opinion one of the best MMO releases in years. Is it something completely new? Not entirely, but it builds on the foundation that has made other MMO's great.