If you enjoy playing World of Warcraft and want a fresh start in a game exactly like it, than get Rift. Read On

User Rating: 6.5 | Rift (2011) PC
This game is exactly like WoW but better graphics from what I can tell so far. Maybe not as smooth as WoW but still it will get there and this is coming from someone that's been playing WoW for a long time and a experienced PvP player. The PvP is okay but not great like WoW and the PvE seems more important than the PvP. When I said this game is exactly like WoW I mean't it lol. Mages have polymorph, Locks have Fear, Warriors have Charge, Rogues have Shadowstep. Rogues can stun lock and Warriors can also lock people down. Mages got the CC and locks can heal up from Dots. This is basically a WoW clone so if your not a fan of World of Warcraft than you won't like this game. **Funny thing is it says this isn't azeroth anymore** Maybe because this game copied WoW in every way possible but didn't name their continent Azeroth lol.

But out of all honesty I still think WoW is better in so many ways and most likely not over time this game will be better because Blizzard is blizzard lol. They have the money to out power any mmorpg out there and i'm praying Rift trys to defeat WoW so WoW can just use their money like they should be doing and make WoW an even better mmorpg.

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