You are a Blizzard Craft or C&C fan? This game is made for you! After reading me and playing the demo, you will ag
As you could see for yourself in this game summary the "you say" rate is better than the other two,and that´s why:
1) About the sound that´s the target of some of the bad aspects: It´s already corrected with the patches of the game, so, what you heard about the sound when the game was realeased,forget alll about it. Despite it´s anything astonhisihing that hit you in the core by involving,now, it is there where it belongs.
2) I never heard about anyone ho bought an RTS game mainly because of it´s history. Of course it helps, but a game is made for being played not watched. It´s not a movie,for god sake! Aside that,the mechanics of the campaing are godd enouth to hook you,and the chance make different strategic chocies, built districts to earn bonusses and points to improve your forces it´s a very good news for tohse (like me) who often give the campaing a secondary attention. 3) Forget about the critics about the AI. That´s important to mention that the six different difficulties are excellent weel executed. As you play trought then and improve your skills along you see that they were made for being the step for the next one, keeping you want to see how far you can go. The first too is for those who want to learn about the RTS mechanics without that frustation of constant losses until the time feel the pleasure of a victory has come. The next two is made for casual veterans RTS player like me, who don´t spend a bunch of hours playing over and over again in the same day. The last two is for all that are excellent and heavy users of RTS style. From the newbies to RTS to the veterans, you will find plenty challenge here to keep you playing for a long time. And, after that, as you can see in other gamer reviews, the multiplayer is awsome.
After picking the demo, and then buying this one, I can tell you that for me this game is lasting a lot more than I expected when i first read the gamespot´s and oyher game sites reviews. Actually I think that it will last as the "Crafts" of blizzard that I ( and the most of you who read this) also have. So, if you don´t care much about history, and it´s more interested on skirmish, multiplayer, and kind of an innovative gameplay with astonishing graphics, go ahead. It´s not the best game ever made on the genre,but it´s a one that you won´t regret to buy. That´s for shure.