This game is too amazing for the human mind to comprehend

User Rating: 10 | Rise of Nations: Thrones & Patriots PC
I've been looking in the store at ths game for a while, thiking it was just a pretty good rts game to keep my summer occupied.Hmm..well..thats a HUGE NO-NO. this game is utterly amazing. There re good games, great games, and rise of nations just goes into a catergory far beyond those.

First, look at a good rts game, Age of Empires Conquers. This game has a collection of different civilatin each with one or two specia unit per civilization. then, take this game. it has 24, yes, you heard me, 24 different civialtions each with 5 speical units.

Now, lets look at the span of the game. The biggest span i know of is empire earth, which equals rise of nations. The spa is 6000 years, fwi. So if you look at empie earth 2, it is very similar to rise of nations and a very good game, but one of its few best qualities meets rise of nations. Now, Empire Earth 2 is truly an excellent game, second to rsie of nations in my rts collection. but rise of nations improves upon it on a huge scale.

now, the campaignS( S IS CAPITLAIZED). rise of nations has: alexander the Great, Napolean, the new world, the cold war, and conquer the world. as if the real time gameplay isnt enough, it uses a gameboard feel to it to mov acorss the map. you have usually a few armies, territories, and you can attack or defend depending on what your situation is. When playing the real time part of the game, you have an abundance of different game types like guerilla warfare, conquest, and way too many others ot count.

This is a little in depth segement of the game:

I have decided to start a campaign on te new world. i choose the americans out fo the many indian nations and european nations. I started in 2 territorries and my advisor told me i had to: Break away from the british, declare independence, and take north america. I took the lakotas territoary after some exciting battles. then, my master, the king of england, told me it was time for the french and indian war, an actual event. so i had to repel a french attack, kill off the iriqous, and defeat the french. in a few well won turns, i came out of this war succesful. then, after conquering a large amountof indians, i declared war on the british. when i was victorious, i was AMERICA! yay! so im still in the campagin fighting the aztecs and trying to get the north american continent. There you have it rise of nations wanters, a full segement.

This area of my reveiew might get a bit hard to follow without playing the game, so try to imagine.

So you choose one of the 24 civs, each with special units and bonuses reflecting their historical facrs. then, continue on with the map. start with just 5 villagers, then, soon, become a huge power with armies uncountable and see your quick easy miitary campaign..or be repelled and start another attack..a bigger one!!!

So this segement reflects population and rescouce gathering. First, population look horrible..200! i was immdiatley disapptioneted by it..then, i saw a revelation..each popluation slot counts for three guys! Twice the size of age of empires!You get a bigger population by researching miliatry at the library. so, population in this game is..well..quite amazing

now, resocures. you create citizens, assign them to different resoucres like food, timber, metal, and oil. the other resoucres, knowledge and weatlh, are a littte more complicated. Knowledge is unbeleiveably inmportant since your commerce level, which is how many resocures you can gather in 30 seconds, military (population), and civics which lets you build more cities. you mujst build universities and train 7 shcolars to get the full knowlege cap out of the university. to fullfi my knowlege levels, since you can only have one university per city radius i have to fill 3 cities each iwht one university and having the unversity full. Wealth is best gathered by markets and caravans, which have routes fomr city to city.

There is alot to list still, but this review reviews, and isnt an insturciton guide.

Overall i love this game. i have never owned a better game, in any category, that fuliflls my gaming wants and needs. I say 10/10!