Small factors which add up, prevent this title from being one of the best RPGs to arrive in years.

User Rating: 7.5 | Rise of the Argonauts PC
Rise of the argonauts, in it's core, is a great game. The storyline is very deep, the combat is great and the graphics are satisfying at parts.

Unfortunately, there are many things in this game which when left alone prove no affect on the overall gaming experience, but when added up spoil the full potential of this game.
I'll name a few :
1. Terrible PC port. keyboard and mouse are awful for this game, and with support only for xbox controller (which when used has inverted analog that can't be fixed by conventional methods) leaves most PC gamers behind in the fun factor. the game includes alot of bugs, and it crashes ever so often.
2. Prison-sensation. the designers of this game have agreed to give you no freedom in this game what so ever - you are unable to alter graphic settings (only resolution) or map keys (you are given 3 arrays of pre-set keymapping to choose from...oh, it's like sophie's choice!). in addition, you can't jump, and the level design uses this to force you to go where they want by placing crates and boxes where you shouldn't go; this act take the whole exploration idea out of role-playing games...
3. Dead characters. the characters in rota, seem dead or atleast pumped full of botox when they speak. they lack any emotion, and on occasion will address to you or others when facing the wrong way (i.e. - husband says to wife "oh, how much i've missed you!" when not looking at her at all, but at you). plus some of the narration is just terrible, obviously they took interns to do the job in order to save a few extra bucks.
4. No mini map. this may sound funny as a con, but it WILL drive you crazy at some point of the game. looking in the map takes a long time, and you will find yourself past you objective point time after time, because it's annoying to check you map every 5 feet.
5. Long saves. there are autosaves, but they are only in pre-set locations, not affected by completed objectives. you will find yourself saving like a mad-man after your 5th or so crash to desktop, and each save takes about 5 seconds, so it adds up to a few hours of your life, only saving ! life well spent.
6. no challenges. except for combat and talking, the game offers nothing else - no puzzles , no platform (you can't jump, have i mentioned ?) and nothing which goes beyond the basic frame in which the game is set, so there are few surprises there.

Don't get me wrong though, ROTA is a great game, and was a thrill for me to play it, but a little more work into it would have made it a memorable game, and maybe become a contender to the 2nd place in greek mythology games.