If you have a little patience for the slow start Rise of the Argonauts provides an enjoyable experience.
GAMEPLAY (8.0) - The biggest knock against the combat is that you wish there was a bit more of it. Throughout the game you'll only be controlling Jason. Most of the time you will have two companions but they act completely independent which is not a bad thing as they all fight pretty competently and you never have to worry about their health. Jason will have 3 weapons to use throughout the game - sword, mace and spear - which will be upgradable as certain missions are accomplished. Combat flows smoothly and you will see satisfyingly gory explosions of blood as Jason decapitates, impales and skull-crush his enemies. Only complaint is that occasionally the camera doesn't quite keep up during dodge rolls or can get a bit too close in some cramped areas. As the game progresses Jason will have the ability to call on "God" powers that you can choose to add based on what you prefer. This brings up the experience system. Instead of achieving experience points and levels, Jason will accomplish "feats" which can be anything from a simple errand mission to killing 50 enemies, for example. These feats can then be applied to one of four Gods, each of which has different abilities they can grant to Jason. These include not only the "God" powers but also passive abilities such as a greater chance to break the shields of enemies. Overall I thought this system worked very well and was much more interesting then simply leveling up. Now it is true that the game will involve more conversing with other people than pure combat, though towards the end of the game it does become much more combat-heavy.
GRAPHICS (7.0) Probably the weakest part of the game. The graphics tend to have a very rough and blocky look to them, especially with some of the characters. There are also some framerate issues which is surprising considering how you wouldn't think this is very taxing to your console. There are some very nice and detailed environments but it's definitely not a game you're going to use to impress anyone.
AUDIO (9.0) Probably the strongest part of the game. With the exception of Hercules, who comes off sounding somewhat oaffish, most of the voicework is excellent, which is important considering how much speech you will use. Conversations generally give you several responses ala Mass Effect, and your response usually ties in with one of the four Gods. Give a lot of responses typical of Hermes, for example, and you'll build up points you can use to acquire some of Hermes' powers. The background music is also very good, sounding appropriate for the era.
VALUE (7.5) This probably took somewhat less then 20 hours, short for a typical RPG but not bad if you look at is as more of an action-adventure game. Not too much reason to replay it other than trying harder difficulties and scooping up more achievements. For most people I'd suggest waiting for the inevitable price drop.
STORY/SUMMARY - If you really know your Greek mythology then you'll find ROA definitely takes some liberties. Some famous names are put in situations that never occurred in the ancient myths but I could easily overlook this and simply enjoy the story. The story keeps a serious, mature theme more typical of western RPGs. It's a fascinating journey as Jason travels to exotic locations in his quest for the Golden Fleece. As long as you don't demand constant combat and can appreciate a good tale then I feel you will have an enjoyable time with Rise of the Argonauts.