An interesting try, but a lot of things went wrong in this game.
The story couldn't have been more predictable. In its core, the good guy the Greek king Jason of Iolcus, is in his way to find the "golden fleece", a sort of magical artifact, which can help him restore the life of his murdered wife Alceme. During Jason's absence from his kingdom, the bad guy, his uncle Pelias (who happens also to have a typical "crook" face), tries to steal his throne! What will be the ending of this thriller? I can't reveal it to you….
On to some technical subjects now: the camera movement is anything but smooth and regular, in fact the first couple of hours it can cause you nausea until you get used of it. The control of the character is very irresponsive, somewhat a similar case with the character Harry's control in the first "Silent Hill" game ten years ago. An other thing that made a bad impression on me was the total failure of making the lips of the characters to be at least roughly synchronized with the spoken words. Also the lack of a mini map, or some kind of a button assigned to the map display is very annoying, let alone the terrible appearance of the map itself. You must first pause the game, enter the menu, and highlight the map option. And this must be done every one, or two minutes, since it's very difficult to find your orientation while being lost in all these endless crossroads, corridors and large halls. As a result, it could take you some times ages to simply find your way from place A to place B.
The graphics quality is undoubtedly the best feature of this game, nothing that can really amaze you, but clean nice looking faces and clothes never the less. Also the environments look quite realistic and believable. Sound and music are okay too, nothing memorable though.
What annoyed me the most in this game was the crude historical and mythological inaccuracies and anachronisms. Let me give you some examples: The military salute is the same as today's soldiers. The bad guys have tattoos on their skin. The leader of the centaurs' tribe was smoking a pipe. Perseus is the brother of Medusa. Achilles is a gladiator, let alone the existence of gladiators' arenas. I also came across a "lieutenant Plato" (oddly, I didn't see anywhere in the game the known field marshal Aristotle, or sergeant Socrates..), a "Yanoula", or a non existent "Ekekios', or "Idas" and many other impossible names. Also since when Delphi, or the kingdom of Mycenae are situated in islands?!
Greek mythology's names, places, facts, all together put into the blender! It wouldn't harm for the production team to open a book, or something.. The funny part is that, if the people of the production had chosen to follow by the book the myth of the Argonauts' campaign, the game most possibly would had been exciting enough by its own, without the need to change absolutely anything. Anyway, I can comprehend the fictional nature of this game, but in a work that is inspired by Greek history and mythology it isn't possible to have a "lieutenant Plato" in it! Period.
As a conclusion, ROTA is an ambitious game, looking pleasant enough to the eye, which tries its best to deliver to the player an atmosphere of myth and legend, along with some basic RPG feeling, and while it had its good moments, the general impression is that it falls short by its inexcusable content errors, the unbalanced game-play, the slow pace, and the dozens of technical issues.