if you are asking yoursel: How is it? shud I buy it?How is it different from MoK? then you have come to the right review

User Rating: 7.4 | Rise of the Kasai PS2
In 2001, bottlerocket released Mark of Kri (MoK). Mok had a very creative concept with a lot of potential and the game turned out to be among the best overlooked games on ps2. Rise of Kasai (RoTK) is a sequel to that superb game called Mark of Kri. Gameplay (skip if you have played MoK) This game fuses stealth with hack n slash styled combat. Combat The basic concept of combat goes like this: you target enemies using the left analog stick and each enemy is assigned to X or O or square. The less enemies that you target, the more combos are available to you. One negative thing about this game is that it has a maximum of 5 combos with one weapon. There are 4 characters and each character has 4 weapons (3 melee and 1 ranged). Some of the combos are awesome, especially Griz’ combos. One good thing about this game, which every other hack n slash lacks, is that you can kill an enemy with just one button. Wait, there’s a catch to this. You can only do this while unarmed and you have to time your unarmed kill perfectly (or almost) Stealth The stealth is not bad. Its just at a basic level except that you have to combine ranged weapon kills with those Kickass stealth kills. The different stealth scenario makes the stealth parts interesting and a good distraction from combat parts. What is the difference between MoK and RoTK A very good question. Well, there’s not much difference. - 3 more characters, each having unique feel, combos, stealth kills, weapons and style - Ability to cower behind boxes when equipping a bow (only available to Rau) - 11 levels. That’s 6 more than MoK had. - Slightly different art style (MoK had better IMO) - You are now accompanied by a partner in all levels. Alright, I’m Interested. Should I buy this game? I recommend this to all the fans of MoK but they shouldn’t be expected something very good from this game. To the newly interested, I’ll recommend MoK first because theres not much difference except the ones listed and the storyline progress style. Besides, I liked MoK more. RoTK’ story was a step in the wrong direction. The main reason for recommending MoK to newly interested people is that MoK is cheap now and is more than a good bargain at its current price. The same cannot be said of RoTK. Main characters Griz: cursed with a mark, Griz has the same powers as Tati. He becomes invisible when he is in the wall stealth position for a few secondss (like Tati). He has the ability to see through the dead and scout with it. Is light and fast but becomes slow with his heavy weapon. Carries. He has the coolest combos. Uses knives as ranged weapon. Baumusu: heavy like Rau. He has the least coolest combos (imo). For scouting, he uses Kuzo the spirit guide (a raven type creature). Is faster than Tati/Griz with heavy weapon but slower in his light weapon. Uses Javelin as a ranged weapon which is harder to aim than Raus bow Rau: Is heavy like Baumusu and has one advantage over all characters; his special bow, which no other characters have, has the highest range among all ranged weapons in the game. It also lets him cower behind boxes. Uses Kuzo as scout. Tati: Marked like Griz. Fast like griz. Has the same style but different combos (as with Rau and Baumusu). Uses dead bodies to scout. The special thing about her is that she uses poisoned mushrooms with which she can kill more than one enemy if used correctly. Pros and cons as compared to MoK: - disappointing story line (which I haven’t narrated because I am a bad narrator and don’t want u guys to get confused). MoKs’ story line was much more interesting, although not as deep as RoTK’ story line + I have heard that partners sometimes freeze and don’t budge. This did not happen to me but partners do create problems. I got ticked off whenever my partner took my kill. There are some points where you have to time your attacks with your partner. - At a few points where you can easily go with stealth, your partner ruins it by revealing your presence. But the best part is that you don’t get punished for being revealed. The partners’ AI sometimes makes you wish that you were alone. + More characters. 4 characters + 3 melee weapons + 5 combos per weapon = 60 combos. + Longer + playing in 2 different time periods to fully understand the story of Rau and his silly sister Tati. The difference of these 2 times is 20 years. - It will feel easy if you have spent enough time with MoK *SPOILER* If you want to make a ‘choice’, choose Tati in the Haasa level. That can save Rau…. or kill him.