Wow who knew being a 5 year old obsessed with robots could ruin your game collection forever.
It starts out as you as the main dude. The blue cyborg dude. A human formed cyborg all blue nothing else. And you better like him cause thats all you are going to be playing as. Yup you heard me in the whole single player expedition you only play as the blue dude... But at leaswt in multplayer you can play as other robots like the yellow spider dude and big red guy if your 1st player. Tough luck if your 2nd cause mr blue will be waiting for you ;).
Wow dont get me started on the fighting. Ok lets sum this up real quick. big clunky robots battle. they throw only kicks and punches about as slow as a sloth. They almost never hit cause you can never get your opponnet. With such crappy movesets of only punching you think thats it stops getting bad. well you wrong Along with bad fighting you get bad clunky graphics and the worst techno sound track you will ever find in a game.
You will be needing ear plugs and alot of patience. Wait what am i saying why dont you just take the game out of the system now lock it in you sisters closet and hope it never finds its way back to you ever again.
Do i even need to explain why you should'nt buy it. theres nothing good about it and should be left alone like the scary kid at the lunch table.