Fantastic voice acting supported by a satisfying soundtrack.
A few minor bugs but nothing major. The game looks even better than the last one and truly is one of the best looking games I've played on the Xbox One.
Game Play:
Nothing has really changed from the previous Tomb Raider game. I don't think that the shooting aspect of combat is as solid as it should be. Still a fine platformer though.
The whole game is pretty much an Uncharted clone - Copy and past a generic plot that mimics Uncharted 2 in several ways, replace Nathan Drake with Lara Croft and there you go. Sadly, It's not an open world like the last game. It really does not take long to get every collectible in a level and complete it, Heck I'd say 2/3 of my time playing this game is spent on getting collectibles. They dropped the multiplayer to focus on delivering a stronger campaign...I don't think they really kept that promise as the campaign is rather quick and generic.
Overall: 6/10
Is it fun? It can be but it reminds me so much about Uncharted 2 that it simply turns me off. From the set up (Each character going through winter terrain near the end of a quest) to the ending (Each character trying to stop the main villain from releasing a magical evil upon the world). It's such a blatant rip off that I am truly surprised no one else has brought it up. What made the first game so much fun was that it was raw and real. It was an enjoyable open world platformer that reignited the passion that everyone had for Lara Croft as a character. In the sequel, They focused too much on ripping off the Uncharted franchise that they lost all originality and it sucks. This game could and should have been so much better.
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