Jet Li - Rise to Honour Non stop martial arts with intuitive but confusing and hard to manage controls.
Finally I found the game today (now I have only one game left that I can't find anywhere... Tenchu - Wrath of heaven).
Ok, talking about the game now... It has a nice presentation and if you like Jet Li you'll get really excited, press new game and enjoy the 1st scene, after this you'll be in the game ready to pursuit a guy, the controls, animations and movements looks pretty good, graphics are nice but not the best out there, Jet Li and other caracters are well designed but you will feel that Jet Li character got more attention than others wich is a natural thing since he is the main "atraction".
The worst in this game its the controls, to punch and kick you use the right analog, R1 to defend, R1+right analog to grab and others, but now imagine doing a combo pushing forward the right analog up something like 200 times, it gets really anoying and boring, the controls get boring but the action don't, and thats a great point for Rise To Honour, the action never stops. While fighting you can smash your opponents against windows doors, tables and many other things, you can also grab some objects and throw at them, the movements are well done and the combat action its fast but when it comes to controls its not that good.
The right analog stick has an advantage, when surrounded you can make combos hitting in different directions, while pushing the analog up to punch a guy in the upper part u can push analog down to atack the guy behind you, this is usefull but it doesn't work well everytime.
The story mode its not to long and won't give you much trouble getting through it, but you will want to play it at least one more time.
If you like martial arts you'll probably like Rise of Honour, if you like Jet Li and martial arts you'll almost certainly like Rise of Hounour, if your just looking for a good action game and don't have a special taste for martial arts you should try the game first.