the control is fun...for 5 minutes!!!
User Rating: 6 | Rise to Honour PS2
I got to be fair, this game isn't AWFUL, but it is far from God of War. I don't even care about the story, so lets get to it. You hit using the right analog stick. Wow! I jerk my thumb around and all these pixelating japanese guys get pounded to the ground! Wow! I can shoot a gun! BOOM! Wow! I can....get my @$$ handed to me from some bouncer dude?? Well, it starts fun and fresh, then it gets hard and boring. Not a good combination...kind of like the Sky Duneon from Zelda: Minish Cap. Anyhow, i haven't forced myself too far into this game, and thankfully. I have to say, i much prefer controls like God of War and MK: Shaolin Monks. At least there, you can crush people with a few flicks, and if you want serious combos, do them. This is just a boring beat 'em up mishmash that wouldn't suprise even an amish. And after cheap least favorite is boring stereotypical ones. My verdict- IGNORE!!!!!!! - - skalokos