Rise to honor not all the way there.
If you are looking for a game that is more true to the Kung Fu fighting style, this is the game. The moves are representative of some of the martial art styles of China. I also liked how you shoot in this game. it is also based on the joysticks. Other cool things include using the environment (chairs, barrels, etc) as weapons, and countering enemies movies. Boss fights are fun!!!
Now on to the bad. I hated the in-between "levels" in which you have to run while the bad guys try to shoot you down. These parts are difficult, frustrating, and not at all fun. This aspect is what really ruined the game for me.
Another problem is that every time you attack, your feet remain stationary, so the only way to combo is if your opponent stays close to you. If they back away, are knocked back, etc, you have to move and then start fighting again. This disrupts the flow of the fight and takes away from the game so much. The fighting really falls apart at this point. Kung fu is supposed to be a fluid martial art and not being able to move while fighting really does not do it justice.
The two aspects of the bad make this game unenjoyable and unbearable for prolonged periods of time. This game is fun in short spurts, and for when you just want to wail on a bunch of big dudes using kung fu-ish/breakdance moves.
I wouldn't really recommend this game unless you like collecting games that have unique control styles (ie godhand, indigo prophecy, etc)