Hong Kong action meets the world of gaming and it doesn't work.
Rise to Honors' graphics is ok for the most part but it does have a few flaws. In general what it lacks the most is depth in general. Weapons, character models and even some of the environments lack the depth that would have helped this game out a bit. The characters look somewhat believable but they seem a little on the fat side. They just don't seem to look as they should and doesn't make much sense considering they had Jet Li himself to work with and various other stunt personal they could have used to help make the character seem more believable.
Rise to Honors' gameplay is ok but not perfect or over the top like some people would have hoped for. The controls feel just right and the idea to use the right thumb stick as the button players use to attack is fresh and original at the same time. Unfortunately the gun aspect of the gameplay is not believable. Players can fire off 100 rounds of ammo and not need to reload their guns at all which is unrealistic in every way. Furthermore the camera has a tendency to not give good views of the action which makes it hard for players to see all of their opponents. Also at times Rise to Honor seems to jump players with a sudden increase in difficulty of the opponents that he or she may be fighting against. The AI itself even seems dumb during the stealth sequences as they can' seem to see outside of their flashlights view range even though it's plenty bright around them. On top of that the enemies seem to have unfair advantages at times as they can do things players can't like use machine guns and such.
Rise to Honors' audio is ok but not perfect. The main problem is that there is no English audio for the Chinese speaking parts at all. While there are subtitles they aren't very big and this ends up distracting players from the action on screen.
Overall Jet Li Rise to Honor is a disappointment on a large number of levels and doesn't truly deliver that Hong Kong action that Rise to Honor was striving for.