Raise those Jolly Rogers and embark on an unexpected, yet surprisingly enjoyable pirate adventure.
It takes a hell of an effort getting past the post launch chaos of a Pirhana Bytes`game, but those of us who endure, do it for a reason. Once you get these things running, you`re in for some of the best rpg-ìng this side of Ultima (If you are too young to understand what Im saying, google Ultima. You`ll be surprised!).
Knowing my PB history, I was ready to go to PC-Tweaking-War to get this thing to run the way I want it. To my pleasant surprise, no war was needed here.
Risen 2 is without a doubt, Pirhana Bytes` most technically sound effort. That is not to say its not without its problems, but in all honesty, most of my initial complaints were easily fixed with some simple ini tuning ;)
Getting to the point, Risen 2 is an amazing action-adventure. After the usual tedium that RPG`s like to greet us with at the beginning of every epic, you gradually start feeling an incredible sense of achievement as your character evolves from a simple "Guybrush the sailor" into a fully loaded menace of this Caribbeanesque world.
Much has been said about the poor combat. But this is one of the best combat systems I`ve recently played. Its very "within context." After a few levels, these guys will start fighting with all the flair and excitement one would expect to see from angry pirates going at each other. What initially looks like an ugly clickfest, later becomes a quasi-choreographed dance of death. Just be patient and learn the system. At higher difficulties, it is no clickfest. I assure you.
The atmosphere is fantastic. There is a strange sense of familiarity at work here. We all know pirates. Right? Parrots, rum, red beards, black beards. steel beards, hooks for hands and envy-inducing eye patches.
But for all the piratey glamour Pirates of the Caribbean has has garnered for the pirate theme in pop culture, in the digital realms of gaming, pirates have not plundered with the frequency most of us would wish for/expect.
This game fills that gap with a standing ovation from my part. Risen 2 is a total pirate rpg. That sounds refreshing doesn`t it?
As it should be in any great rpg, enjoyable exploration is key to a winning formula. In Risen 2, exploring the world is very gratifying and, and in my opinion, the games` most evolved feature.
The sense of wonder is constant throughout. A cave in the distance, a chest in the middle of nowhere, a brawl at a local tavern, all of the activities Id like to involve myself in as a pirate, Risen 2 makes them possible.
Even though the landmass is broken up into several small islands, the world is meticulously crafted and is a joy to unravel its secrets. It feels large, but not intimidatingly so.
The beautiful music, excellent voice acting, and gameplay depth, round up the package to create a worthy succesor to the Gothic franchise, and one of the most surprisingly original experiences within the genre.
Without going into further detail, I hope this review gives you a different perspective on what´s in store for you if you decide to walk the plank.
Don`t give in just to the negative reviews. There are many gamers out there having a blast. Right now. With this game.