SO much anticipation since Risen 1 but unfortunately Risen 2 is very disappointing...
first of all it's happening in the pirate times which i hate so much with all those less impressive swords and guns hopefully there is something called the voodoo in it so it can turn things a little interesting. voodoo is the same thing as magic in the previous game but much more narrower and a lot less impressive.
The narrative and the story is also not the same as the previous game. it's very tiresome and thanks to the boring characters; spaecially the main character and conversations, it gets even more Boring! the gameplay is not satisfying as well thanks to the unenjoyable quests.
You've probably heard this before or you expected this but the combat which i didn't even want to mention is weird and Horrible! by all means...the combination of a few terrible sword slashes and a kick make the combat! but as i mentioned before you can also learn the voodoo or black magic which gives a little bit of fun to the combat but yet again after some time that gets repetitive and borong as well.
Hopefully the world is quite big and have some decent exploring but unfortunately the quests are not fun at all and they are disconnected and again Boring! there are some places that you make a choice but those moments are so little.
Bad voice acting is another problem with this game. character conversations are not well written and are not acted well specially for the main character, characters are not as memorable as they were in Risen 1 which i personally really liked.
Thankfully the one thing that catches your eyes in this game is the graphic which is quite awesome it's not perfect but the jungles ,the oceans and the sea are very detailed and look really good and some views are trully eye-catching.
In conclusion Risen 2 is not the game it should've been i personally didn't like the idea that the game happens in the pirate times because it loses it's sense of epicness which it actually did. may be if they had just made a true sequel to the original game it would've been a lot better. I personally enjoyed Risen 1 and i'm still looking forward to a straight sequel and a more gothic feeling game which i hope they do get the chance to make!