this game is bad, broken, outdated, and the only thing it does well is to piss you off.
this game is bad
not empire earth 3 bad, but pretty close.
looks :
the game looks 4 years old, animation (especialy the whole jumping and falling bits) is super bad. voice acting is terrible (they use the guy who played the dwarf on LOTR on TWO DIFFRENT NPCs!!!- the don and that titan ghost whats his face..)
combat :
combat is extremly not fun, u either try like hell to block and counter or your a mage(as i was coz i figured that if combat i going to be like this the whole game i might as well go for magic) and u can just fire ur fireballs and run like hell. i barely used the crossbow/bow so if thats any good as a main weapon...
the enamies have a clear advantge during a fight when i comes fighting more then one of them. the only summon u can ever use throughout the whole game is a skeleton that becomes nothing more then stall tactics after chapter 3.
so as i said before for my 90% of the game was this "fire ball(s) -> run > mana> do al over again" no stratagy, the game dosent make you think! i tried a couple of times to use the traps against the enemis and beside one ocasion that it worked NPCs just dont trigger them wtf is that? or when u jomp (not fly jump) over spikes they still spring up, or when that whole rock falls on you without warning signs, i dont know about u guys , but theres nothing i hate more then traps that you have a VERY little chance of spotting the first time around.
storyline :the only thing that made me push through this thing from start to finish is the storyline, mind you not the story telling, but the whole thing. it made me want to know what comes next, even when in order to find out you need to run along a monestetry without any idea what you are suppose to do.
that brings me to my last point
the quests: OMFG, never , in my life, and i was forced as a kid to play math based games, have i played a game that gives you almost no help. no compos no markings just a really bad quest map that most people don't notice 3-4 hours in game.
its just not fun, some times you need to visit 5-6 different locations all over the map, and if you forgot where you already bad for you!!!. no progress indication on the quests beside some extra text that you need to figure out for yourself whats next. the game almost tries to get you upset over nothing.
one more thing... in the upgrading part, it would have been nice to see what is available at the end of a tree, not just the next one.
wow that was a long one
bash away...
p.s sorry for spelling and grammar, I'm not native to English