Comparing Risen to Oblivion....(and others alike)
If you like Oblivion, you'll think this is a lower version of it. The time in Oblivion is 1400-1500s, Risen is around 1800s. Combat style is similar, plot is hard, but you'll get the hang of it. You can choose to be a Warrior of the Order (Mage) or Bandit (Hunter/Melee). You can choose from different weapons, spells, and scrolls. The economy is based on gold, but you'll trade things instead of gold for the most part. It is open world, and there are many skills from pickpocketing, sneaking, opening locks, acrobatics, weapon skill and more. There is no "Fast Travel" but there are teleport stones, and you do not get to choose your own character, only your path....
Comparing to Sacred 2, it's a higher version. Better graphics, but sacred 2 has more questing. Not much else to say other than sacred 2s merchant system was easier.
Comparing to Fable, i think the graphics are better, questing, but the combat system on Fable was better.