Unlike many other board game-video game screw-ups, this one passed my test. Once you start playing, you get immersed in it's strategy and difficulty. It has enough new and exciting twists that you won't want to revert back to the old board game after playing it. The gameplay is great. There are many new options including computer players, who are actually quite intelligent, single-player as well as multiplayer modes, about seven new territories added to continents, and new paths between territories like Hawaii and Japan. All of these are customizable of course so you can play the original version of do whatever you like. There is also a whole new simultaneous game mode that takes just as long to master as the original. In this mode, all players decide where they are going to attack with their armies all at once without knowing of each others plans. This means you could be attacked by four different players all at once in the same territory, and likewise attack four different players with the same territory. It may seem impossible but they are able to do this with hotseat multiplayer mode. In multiplayer and simultaneous modes at the same time, each played takes turn deciding what their armies are going to do. To make it more realistic, people shouldn't be watching. After everyone's turn is over, the whole world war happens. Once every attack is finished, it goes through the turns again. It's a whole new challenge. The graphics are better than would be expected and good enough to keep your eyes on the screen as you play. There are also plenty of visual effects and "don't show me this again" checkboxes so that you don't get bored or annoyed. They also have globe map option and, though it's hard to maneuver, makes a realistic globe of the planet that you can rotate and go through the game with. The music is good but might get annoying after running through multiple times. Then, it's best to either turn the computer on mute and listen to your own music. The value is great. With multiplayer and all of the new customization aspects, you'll never get tired of this game. If you don't have the board game version, I recommend you get this game, because it's classic and in my opinion, better than all of it's kind. There is also a multipack of this game and two others that is definitely worth the cost.
Risk II is a good game, I got it for my birthday. To tell you the truth, I didn't even know how to play the game and the manual wasw to long... eyes i'm lazy. But Risk II taught me to play the game without reading a manu... Read Full Review
My main bone to pick with this game is the cheating AI. Instead of programming an AI that is actually intelligent, they just made it so that harder AI players almost always roll higher than you. This ruins the fun of sin... Read Full Review