Everything you've come to love and enjoy, with a little bit extra built in.
I'll cut to the chase,
If you like risk ,buy this game.
If you don't like risk, don't buy this game.
The nice battle animations and good choice of music really add to the fell of the game, but don't really change any part of the base game. The new game types, while very well put together, still feel like the core game tweaked. If you don't like it don't buy it.
If you do like it, the cpu is very well put together along with the customization and gameplay modes. Battle animations in the game are very cool and the music fits in very well.
If you have never played Risk before, just think of it as battleship on steroids meets stratego to the 12th power. That may not make very much sense, but that would be how I would describe it.
While Risk II is no substitute to the board game, it's as close as you can get and you don't have to have 5 friends there to enjoy it. But you still can enjoy it with 5 friends over the internet or even on the same computer.
If you like Risk or might like Risk, buy this and love it.
It really is superb.