Well this game was real good i have nothing wrong to say about it but maybe only one things that disapointed me that is you cannot move freely you are always force to use arrows that you have to click on them and also that their is no multiplayer game it would have be great to challenge your other friends because every person in this game have is own way of training Ein and is group that was the bad point. The best point is that you soon enter in te game real immersive action and that you dont see the time pass.The quest in the game like you are lost in the lost forest maze is really a great way to make the game last longer it take me around 1 or 2 hours to figure it out.They are many different kind of quest in the game that will gove you different item.You can end the game by different way to by choosing other pathway or choice when your former teamates ask you something.This is a good way to see each different ending that the game as to offer.And their is anothing to that make the game last longer is that when the player in the game grew up it is not by leveling up they get different attribute by the item they use in battle like black scythe after a number of time that Serene use it she can do a level skill 3 call nightmare.
Well to finish id like to say that this game is really well made and that maybe if they have put a multiplayer on it will maybe have push the experience of the gamer even more and that if they make another game like that maybe this time it will have on well that's all for now.
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