Roadsters is a great game that deserves better ratings than it's gotten.
User Rating: 7.5 | Roadsters N64
I decided to review Roadsters because I really think it deserved a better score. That and the fact that it was the first review so it’ll be read. The game’s first impression is its graphics, which are pretty astounding for the N64. When it rains you can see the water rooster-tailing off of the tires and the taillights are reflected on the pavement. The physics are a little off, but heck, it’s good racing. C Class cars hardly ever have to brake, and most corners can be taken in excess of 130 mph. One thing I like about the physics is the game’s good sense of speed; cars feel fast, even at 80 mph. The game modes are a standard multiplayer and arcade, as well as a career mode. In career, you choose from about 10 characters and start racing. There are three tournaments (one for each class), that consist of randomized races and weather conditions, with an increased number of races for the higher classes. In order to complete each tournament you have to pay a steep entry fee, but it can be won back with only a couple of races. In order to compete in later tournaments, you need to do earlier ones multiple times to get enough money for new cars. Since tournaments are randomized, this actually adds to the replay value. The tracks are relatively simple, but have fairly nice background visuals. Oddly, they all seem to be about 1 minute long. Unlike some racers of it’s time Roadsters lets you drive off the track in certain places, but not all that frequently. The cars themselves are from a nice selection. These include several licensed cars and many more unlicensed vehicles based closely on licensed vehicles. There are around thirty vehicles total that come in about five colors each. In career mode, cars can be tuned to slight degrees, but it’s really quite unnecessary. The sound is better than average, but engine whine can be a little annoying. The difficulty is very easy at the beginning, but gets slightly harder as the game progresses. So, if you find this on eBay for 23 cents, buy it. Trust me it’s worth the $7 I paid (including shipping) to get it from