Behind nice graphics and quality production is a very shallow experience

User Rating: 6 | Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy X360
Run, run, run, run.
Punch, punch, punch, block, punch, punch, punch, block, punch, punch, punch, takedown.

Use 'Bourne Sense'.(seriously?)

Run, run, run, run.

Punch, punch, punch, block, punch, punch, punch, block, punch, punch, punch, takedown.

Run, run, run. Shoot, shoot, shoot. Run, Run, Run.

(Ooh Boss fight) Punch, punch, punch, block, punch, punch, punch, block, punch, punch, punch, takedown, punch, punch, punch, block, punch, punch, punch, block, punch, punch, punch, takedown, punch, punch, punch, block, punch, punch, punch, block, punch, punch, punch, takedown. punch, punch, punch, block, punch, punch, punch, block, punch, punch, punch, takedown.

And repeat. For 6 hours.

This is all there is to Bourne Conspiracy. Anyone who has seen the film knows that the action, whilst good, is almost secondary to the plot, which centers around the mystery of who Jason Bourne is, what has happened to him, and the conspiracy surrounding the Treadstone Project. For this game they have taken out most of what was good about the film (ie, the suspense, the intrigue, the interesting characters) and what is left is a string of identical fights, some shoot-outs, and absolutely no depth.

Add to this a clunky shooting mechanic and unresponsive melee attacks, and this game adds up to a huge dull waste of time. The only reason I gave it a 6 is because it's a very nice looking and well-produced game.

If you simply must play it, rent it and check your brain at the door.