A game you play to waste time!!!
Though there are negatives, the positives are right around the corner. Close combat action sequences are brutal and entertaining, even if they are repetitive, action segments are always intense. The game does have its wow moments and like any great action movie, fire is added for intensity which is a tried and true formula. One segment of the game has you fighting to get your way out of a burning building which graphically looks good for this game and looks almost photo realistic if you do not pay close attention. But graphics do not make a game, though this game could have aimed higher in this department. The game appears to have to best possible graphics PS2 could pump out when it was in it s prime.
Something that would have been made the game better are cutscenes that transitioned in and out of the game action fluidly. There are instance when the games cutscenes are showing your past, but you do not know that it is your past which leaves you kind of confused until you have that "Oh, that's what happened" moment(Have to watch to movie to follow the game). Another thing this game does wrong, like most games who copy resident evil, is include player responsive action cut scenes. I would rather watch the movie, because these type of scenes are unexpected causing you to restart and also make you miss the action that is unfolding infront of you. Something else poorly executed, like in most action games that try to incorporate, is the poor driving sequence which feels too reponsive and unrealistic. This part is also not the strongest part of the game and could have easily been a throw away idea. There are no twist and turns in the story, if you scene the movie you know what to expect.
Overall the game is only worth a rental if even that. It is one of those games that come and go. If you pick it up...Cool...If you don't...your not missing out on anything, just another of the same old same old. It is a good way to pass time though, but not the best way.