Its got fast paced action...just not enough
User Rating: 8 | Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy PS3
its finally here the much anticipated Bourne Conspiracy The developers have stuck true to the books and movies using familiar quotes and scenes the big downside is for ps3 owners it has a whopping 5 gig install and it still has mid level load times although that aside its still an awesome ride The game starts with our hero bourne in the middle of the ocean where immediately we are shown the games premise and its twist its more of a string of flashbacks that sends the player deeper into the bourne universe where you the player will play the failed wombosi assassination to escaping Russian police after a well timed shot to the targets head, this doesn't bring anything new to the story but is just an excuse to make the player feel more like an assassin rather than bourne himself which is a little bit of a let down the game play is nothing you haven't seen before fans of uncharted resident evil will feel right at home with this game the game bases around two things hand to hand and shooting the hand to hand is just plain awesome the fights are structured in three phases first when you are in proximity with an enemy bourne will attack automatically with a kick or a flurry of punches then the second part starts where you lay into the enemy yourself the control scheme is a two button lay out one for light attacks and one for heavy attacks and a combination of theses two will mix up your attack making you far less predictable to the enemy when your adrenaline meter is one third full its then you can totally break some limbs and initiate some serious hurt and the final phase of the fight will start this is a take down a simple press of a button will show why the fighting is so awesome however if you have more than a third of your meter full you can do muti take down these aren't as cool as the single take downs but trust me you can never get sick of seeing the same action twice and rare thing to accomplish for a game next up is the shooting its a little iffy yes but it is workable when your weapon is drawn the camera will shift to an over the shoulder view where head shot after head shot will occur yes it sounds funny but the aiming system is a great help lining up head shots after my first fun though i had 300 total so the aiming is decent any way bourne has access to all kinds of guns shot guns rifles pistols Uzis etc and he can use them with ease its worth noting that hand to hand can still occur wile in armed combat so be aware now much like hand to hand bourne can do shooting take downs which in a nutshell will kill up to 3 people depending on your adrenaline meter and now for the bad part driving it was fast yes and it did have effort put in to it the problem was the car itself it had no weight to it and i crashed more than i could count and for get about the slo mo ability Jason has behind the wheel its point less thank fully it only had one level and it was over in 15 min with all these things going for the game it was so addicting i found myself finishing in one sitting this is at least a nine hour game you would think that all these things that make the game so great satisfy the player and have him finish the game in nine hours its like eating a perfectly cooked steak only its the size of your palm this is just bad design choice if its a good game make sure it stays that way for longer