If you think this game is fun then you never played a good video game in your life.
The first time you start the game up, right off the bat you'll realize, "Hey! My health is draining!" Yes, in RoboWarrior the hero is a ticking time bomb…for no apparent reason. Maybe its because the planet's atmosphere is slowly draining your health, or maybe it's fact that the robot hero runs on Durecell batteries? But you really don't care about that, just get to the other side of the stage as fast you can! Pick up those bomb and gun capsules that are laying on the ground and move! Oh look, the planet is covered in trees! The bombs will take care of those! *lays bomb down. Bomb explodes* "Ah! These bombs can hurt me! Its like Bomberman only worse!! I better finish this stage and fast!"
5 minutes later…
"Hey! Have I been here before? Yes I have! This stage is looping!" Yes, like in World 8-3 of Super Mario Bros. The first stage loops over and over like an endless maze as you must pick the right path to get out of it. Why would the dev's opt for a looping stage in the beginning of the game? Because they hate you, that's why.
When you do finally do escape the final stage (the stairs to exit the level are hidden of course, because like I said: the dev's hate you for playing this game) the game just becomes worse. Every stage feels like a torture chamber as you must use certain items at certain times to pass the level. And since certain key items are only obtained randomly - let's just say you'll spend most of your time waiting for enemies to appear, so you can destroy them hopefully getting a useful item in the bargain. The terrible level design also leads to frustrating moments. You take one wrong turn and you end up having to commit bomb suicide in order to restart the level over, because you can't go back once you go forward. The fact that the later stages are pitch black means you need lanterns, which burn out - quickly, so you'll end up traveling aimlessly in the dark, blowing up everything trying to find the blasted end of the stage, and then finally have no choice but to start the whole game over because you ran out of good items, which makes the Save feature seem pointless. Yep, fun. Oh and did I mention you do all this while you continually lose health?
RoboWarrior is proof that even the best systems are not protected by awful b-games. RoboWarrior is an absolute disaster that should stay overlooked.