oh my god
well, some person Ericshadow366 asked me to review this game in a message. so, i did. i went down to gamestop and found a copy of this game and it was the last one they had. so, i bought it up to the counter and the dude behind the counter said "are you SURE you want this game?" so i said "yes" and got the game and went home. so, i put this game in my xbox and started playing right away. i was not impressed with what i saw. i beat the game in 2 days and returned it after i did. i said it didn't work and i got my ca$h back. i was glad that was the last copy!! so, this game has been in development for 2 f***ing years and they didn't even bother to fix the f***ing problems!!!!!! by the way, this game is a first person shooter.
so, the object of this game is to kill all the bad guys, just like in the movie.
the graphics are not very good. the only thing that even looks half way decent in this game is robocop himself. and just everything in this game looks very bad. the levels are poorly designed, have bad detail and is just so ugly. not the kind of graphics you would normally see in an xbox game.
the music is annoying and very bad. the voice acting is even worse. like, whoever voiced robocop in this game just couldn't make a good impression. like, robocop is a robot, and robots aren't supposed to have emotions. in the movie, robocop had no emotions. but in this game, robocop has emotions. like, when something good happens to him, he'll say "OH YEAH!!!". ya know what i'm saying, right? ok. in the cutscenes, you can't hear the sound unless you turn the volume on the tv really loud. but, if you keep the voulume on the tv really loud even after the cutscenes, the sounds in the level will come up madd loud.
the controls are just plain bad. like, they're very messed up and completely broken!!! like, when you play the levels, it's hard to go where you want to go because of the terrible controls. and if you try to shoot some enemy... forget it.
now, the combat in this game is so bad that you'll feel like smashing your xbox when you die for the 1000th time. like, each level is very long. they all have a primary objective and a few side quests. also, every level has truck loads of somewhat generic, heavily armed enemies. the enemies don't have good AI, but they are fully capable of knowing how to kill you. all the weapons the enemies have can do lots of damage on robocop, making it easy to die. now, since the game has bad controls, aiming your gun towards an enemy is very difficult. and if you're even lucky enough to hit an enemy, you probably won't do much damage because the enemies usually don't take much damage unless you shoot them in the face, no matter what weapons you use. and it usually takes a lot of shots to kill one enemy. well, you're probably thinking that there's lots of ammo around like other first person shooters, like Halo or Perfect Dark, right? wrong. the ammo in this game is extremely limited, so you might run out of ammo before the level is over. all the problems in this game make the combat hard and frustrating. one of those problems is the bad collision detection. like, you or an enemy can walk through a wall with ease most of the time in the levels. and, you can't save during missions. you can only save your progress after you complete the missions. now, this is only good for easy games, like starfox assault, where they only let you save after the missions are done. if the game was easy, that would be ok. but, since the game is very difficult, then it's not ok.
so, please do not buy, rent, or even play this game., even if you're robocop's number 1 fan. PLEASE RATE!!!!!!!