I have never seen a harder game. i may be young, but it is harder than you would think. If anyone has proof they'd passed the first level, i'd give them a hell of a lot of cash. Of course, you are robo cop, for the 1st level. after that, i wouldnt have a clue. The health bar goes down to fast. The enemies are weak, but near the beggining of the level, there is this thing that shoots out flying bombs (it could be from the movie; i haven't seen it in a long time). I have only played this on the snes, but i played it for days and still never got anywhere. After that I just gave up and started up killer instinct. The graphics are alright, the sound is good, but the difficulty is to much. Its like playing halo 15vs1 with you the one and you wield a pistol and the've got snipers and shot guns. Thats how hard it is. Seriously, it's hard.