Giant Robots battling in cities, causing massive destruction...
RAD is played from 2 perspectives, the person you control, and then when you switch control to the robot, you see the battle still from the persons perspective, but they will look at the robot. This makes for interesting game play because you must move the person around so that they not only stay out of the way of the battle, but can also have a decent view of the battle so that you may fight.
RAD has a few different mechs in the story mode to choose from, including an all-around battle mech who's has an ability to enter "Volcano Mode" which increases your power for 3 minutes, but if your enemy isn't destroyed when the timer runs out, your mech blows up. The second is very fast, but not very powerful, but it can transform into a jet, and the third is large, slow, and powerful, and can also change into a moving fortress.
The controls are very unique. The R1 button moves the right foot forward, while the R2 moves the right foot back, same with L1, only it moves the left foot. Pushing them in combinations allow you to turn, jump, move, ect. The arms are controlled by the analog sticks. The left analog stick has full control of the left arm, and the right has full control of the right. Combat is waged by moving around the levels, and using your array of weapons, as well as melee combat to destroy the enemy.
RAD is also multi player. It is split screen combat in which both you and your opponent have free run of the level you choose, and you try to destroy each other.
I think this is a very underappreciated game, and recommend giving it a try if you like battling with giant robots.