User Rating: 1 | Robot Warlords PS2
OK i bought this game thinking that i'll get a cool MechWarrior type of game for my PS2 but noooooooo.... I got a piece of sh*t. Literally. The games first level is impossible with the easyest optin. The main menu music makes me shive (cause it really sucks. btw who thougfht that moaning koreans make a good soundtrack??). The graphics are crap and the cutscenes(where you get your objectives) are plaaaaaain crap. The voice acting makes me want to puke. Theres only 1 cool thing about the game: When you tell your robot to slide and shoot an enemy it brings a cool cutscene when your robot slides and soots the enemy with the power of crappy graphics.
You really shouldn buy this game. Dont even rent it. DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!
i wont add it to my collection cuz its sh*t