It has some cool gameplay and features.

User Rating: 7.1 | Robotech: Battlecry PS2
Robo Technoligy, technoligy so advanced that it was able to be addapted into a jet fighter and now its a veritec (A giant robot). The zentradie are the bad guys with there empy space crash landed on earth and they want it back. Now the gamplay is repetiteve you battle the same enimies and you have the same allies the voice acting is well different for one guy its good and the next it sucks but the main charecter's voice sucks. And the sound quality isn't that good but the controls are fun you fly around as a plane or a robot.

Battleoid Mode: this is the giant robot mode were you get a machiene gun and a anti-missle gun. PLus you can snipe things.

Fighter Mode: The jet fighter is the fastest mode you get missles that go far and do dammage plus the aiming control very unique for this mode. There is a little yellow circle when ever your locked on to an enimie and and its off the enimie plus you have to try to shoot that because the bullet will travel and eventually hit the enimie assuming hes going in a strait direction.

Gurading Mode: The funnest mode its a plane with a robot. you get both features.

Multiplayer: its fun and there are some cool levels but you have to unlock them all I found it that its easy to keed one file where you I started and didn't cheat and another for will all multiplayer levels and paint jobs.

Over all its a average game you can't do that much and they usually tell you what to do. And they NEVER let you figure stuff out on your own.

But this game is prablaly $10 right now.